2022 Cancer Action Day Volunteer Resource Center


2022 Cancer Action Day Volunteer Resource page Header

Welcome to Cancer Action Day: Message from your Ohio Leadership Volunteer & Staff

Pre-Event Preparation and Education 

1. Like/Follow our social media account

2. Invite a friend to join you for Cancer Action Day

3. Pre-event social media posts. 

Training Videos

1) Q&A about Cancer Action Day and Tips for a good meeting 

2) Hook, Line and Sinker 

3) 2022 Ask Demonstration

Tips for Cancer Action Day and Do's and Don'ts

The "asks" for Cancer Action Day 2022

  1. Copay Accumulators
    1. Issue explanation & patient perspective
    2. Copay Video
    3. Stories in the news: Read more about Julie's experience and current issues.
    4. Crafting your story - Hook, Line, and Sinker Worksheet
  2. Biomarker Testing Legislation
    1. Issue explanation & patient perspective
    2. Biomarker Video from Illinois and Animated Explainer
    3. Crafting your story - Hook, Line, and Sinker Worksheet

**Reminder: Mentors will pull your meeting group together to arrange the order of speakers and assist you in putting your story together. 

Cancer Action Day!!


(You should have received your meeting from either Robyn Kaltenbach or your mentor) 

Power Hour Instructions: for volunteers who do not have a meeting scheduled

Event Day social media examples

Lawmaker Twitter and Facebook accounts 

I'm having issues, who do I contact?

  • Scroll through the resources listed in each section of this webpage.  You can also reference this FAQ!
  • Can't find the answer? Reach out to your assigned volunteer mentor.
  • If you don't have a mentor, contact the Ohio ACS CAN Staff Partner

Your meetings are over, now what? 

Meeting feedback report 

Check here for some great POST Cancer Action Day Activities

Send any photos you take to [email protected] 

Send your lawmaker a thank you email (Sample) 

Social Media Help

Pre-Event Checklist

  • Follow/Like ACS CAN Ohio Social Media Pages
  • Download the Microsoft Teams App: See Instructions Here
  • Attend New Advocate Training:
  • Connect with your mentor and plan your Cancer Action Day Meeting
  • Practice the script you and your mentor put together out loud
  • Relax!! You've got this!! See you March 30th!!

Your Support CAN fight Cancer