Report Fraud or Abuse


To ensure public trust while maintaining the highest standards of stewardship and confidence in the integrity of our organization and its mission, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network has a toll-free hotline that it shares with the American Cancer Society.

The confidential hotline, answered by an independent party, is dedicated to addressing employee, past employee, and volunteer concerns related to internal financial controls, audit practices, accounting issues, and the prevention of illegal activity.

The following are some specific examples of incidents that may warrant a call to the hotline:

  • If you witness falsification or destruction of American Cancer Society or ACS CAN records
  • If someone asks you to overlook theft or misuse of donor contributions or monies received at special events
  • If someone is diverting assets for their personal use
  • If someone offers or you become aware of a kickback (i.e., money and/or services)
  • If you witness a privacy or security breach of constituent data (i.e. mishandling, theft, loss, or improper disclosure of personal information)
  • If you witness other violations of federal and/or state laws or regulations

The hotline is available toll-free at 1-800-539-7202 or online. The hotline is available 24 hours a day and is managed by an independent organization.

ACS CAN policy forbids any retaliatory action be taken against an individual who, in good faith, contacts the Hotline. Any individual who engages in retaliation will be subject to discipline, up to and including employee termination or removal of volunteer from his or her position. Individuals who feel that they are being or have been retaliated against should immediately report this to the Hotline at 1-800-539-7202 or report online.