Medicaid Covers US: Alabama


Medicaid Covers US in Alabama

Medicaid Covers US is our campaign to promote Medicaid as one part of the solution to achieve health equity in the US. Health coverage is something we all need and we all deserve. It’s time to close the gap.

More than 220,000 Alabamians are living without health insurance simply because our leaders have refused to expand Medicaid. These folks are in the “Coverage Gap,” living sicker and dying younger than those with health insurance. The majority of people living in that gap are people of color, left behind because leaders in those states are putting politics ahead of people. Medicaid Covers US is our campaign to promote Medicaid as one part of the solution to achieve health equity in the US. Health coverage is something we all need, and we all deserve. It’s time to close the gap.

Will you join the fight for Medicaid expansion in Alabama?

Please sign our petition to expand Medicaid in Alabama

The Greene County Hospital is in a rural part of Alabama. The hospital is suffering and running a deficit of about $100,000 per month, in part because the state chose to not expand its Medicaid program. Dr. Pugh is the hospital administrator and John is the chair of the hospital board, and they are passionate about helping the hospital stay viable.

This short film, created by award winning filmmaker Ky Dickens, features community members and health professionals from across Alabama sharing their challenges and triumphs as they strive to take care of themselves, their families, and their communities.

This short film, created by award winning filmmaker Ky Dickens, features community members and health professionals from across Alabama sharing their challenges and triumphs as they strive to take care of themselves, their families, and their communities.

When Tiffani moved from Alabama to Michigan, she suddenly had the health insurance she needed. Because Michigan expanded its Medicaid program, students like Tiffani are able to access health care coverage. 

Jett was born with loringa melasia, which can make it difficult for him to breathe, and has required many long drives to medical appointments in Birmingham. Without Medicaid, Jett’s parents don’t know how they would have kept Jett healthy. 

Fancie is a smart, creative and adventurous 11-year-old, who is also allergic to bees and has severe asthma. Thankfully Fancie has Medicaid and gets the care she needs so she can enjoy being a kid.

Shirley helped others her whole life as a paramedic and a volunteer firefighter. But when the years of hard work took a toll on her body and she needed help, Medicaid was there for her.

When Nora was born with trisomy 13, a genetic condition that caused multiple medical issues, her family was told she only had a 10% chance of living past her first birthday. Now, thanks in part to the care she received through Medicaid, Nora is two years old. 

EmmaLynn was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was 15 months old. But because of Medicaid, she was able to get a surgery that has helped her begin to walk.