EmmaLynn: Fort Payne AL


Peyton and EmmaLynnEmmaLynn is a 6-year-old with a contagious smile who has overcome a lot of barriers. She was born at 33 weeks after having a stroke in utero. She spent her first 52 days in the NICU and required supplemental oxygen until she was 8 months old. Then, when she was 15 months old, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

EmmaLynn’s mom, Peyton, is a full-time accounting student and doesn’t have health insurance through a job. But, fortunately, Medicaid has been there for EmmaLynn. As soon as she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Medicaid helped EmmaLynn get early intervention: they sent her a list of neurologists in the area, and covered special therapy at home and in school when she began pre-K.

When she was 4 years old, Medicaid allowed EmmaLynn to get a dorsal rhizotomy, a procedure that increased her chances of walking by 80%. Now, EmmaLynn is teaching her legs how to walk. She still uses a wheelchair but can walk up to 400 feet with her walker.

Peyton doesn’t know what they would do without Medicaid. Because EmmaLynn has to go to therapy in Birmingham every week – sometimes for three weeks at a time – holding a full-time job is nearly impossible for Peyton. But Medicaid has been there to help EmmaLynn get the services she needs to grow, thrive and live a healthy life. 

Special thanks to Fort Payne Pediatrics for their partnership.

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