
Updates matching "South Carolina"

September 29, 2016
South Carolina

South Carolina Ambassadors recently returned from ACS CAN's National Summit and Lobby Day in washington, DC. The team of eight met with the offices of each member in the South Carolina delegation and asked them to support cancer policy issues. Advocates asked members to support: an increase in cancer research

January 25, 2016
South Carolina

Are you interested in becoming more involved with ACS CAN? We need volunteers in every part of the state who want to learn more and make a difference in the fight against cancer. ACS CAN volunteers are actively engaged in local, state, and federal campaigns and through training and networking

December 8, 2015
South Carolina

We are excited to announce The Pink Tea will be held on Tuesday, October 18th from 2:00-4:00 at Long Branch Baptist Church in Greenville. Join us as together we learn more about the work of the Best Chance Network and about living with metastatic breast cancer.

July 24, 2015
South Carolina

The South Carolina session concluded on July 9th. ACS CAN followed several bills this year. It was overall a very active year for cancer issues. Best Chance Network Funding: The Best Chance Network received $475,000 to provide breast and cervical cancer screenings for women in South Carolina. Colon

June 22, 2015
South Carolina

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) hosted a Patient Quality of Life Forum on June 10th at Roper St. Francis Cancer Center. The event brought together doctors, lawmakers and patients to build awareness, understanding and dialogue around the importance of palliative care and quality of life for

April 27, 2015
South Carolina

USC Basketball Coach Frank Martin, Legislators Kick Cancer During Suits & Sneakers Event Shoes Demonstrate Support for Cancer Patients, Survivors University of South Carolina Basketball Coach Frank Martin successfully challenged dozens of South Carolina legislators to strap on their

April 2, 2015
South Carolina

Everyone is just One Degree away from being impacted by cancer. Survivors, researchers, students, and advocates joined together on the campus of Clemson University on March 24th to share thier One Degree story with Senator Graham. It was a powerful event as we heard from cancer surivors Brittany Avin, Dr.

March 2, 2015
South Carolina

"Can you imagine a time when smoking was allowed on airplanes? For those of us who remember, the dreams of a smoke-free flight were far from being realized in the ‘60s and ‘70s. It took hard work and a lot of education and awareness to make smoking in planes a

January 12, 2015
South Carolina

Welcome to 2015 and Happy New Year Advocates! Thank you for being an advocate and following our state page. Please check back often for updates and events. Here is just a glimpse of what we are working on at the state and federal level for 2015. State