
Updates matching "South Carolina"

July 3, 2024
South Carolina

ACS CAN Encouraged to See Lawmakers Taking Action

March 14, 2024
South Carolina

As we mark Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month this March, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is calling on the South Carolina legislature to increase funding for the state’s Colorectal Cancer Prevention Network , which provides access to lifesaving preventive care to at-risk South Carolinians.

December 6, 2023
South Carolina

As a long-time physician and public health advocate in Rock Hill, S.C., I am looking to our northern neighbors with envy. On Dec. 1, North Carolina closed the coverage gap and expanded Medicaid so that nearly 600,000 more people can now access affordable, quality healthcare. South Carolina should take a

November 30, 2023
South Carolina

COLUMBIA, S.C. – November 30, 2023 – As North Carolina expands Medicaid December 1, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) calls on South Carolina lawmakers to offer the same benefits to the people of the Palmetto State. “It’s long past time to offer access to critical,

May 4, 2023
South Carolina

Today, in a 26-16 vote, the Senate passed a bill (HB 3681) that would take away the power of all localities’ ability to pass laws that regulate the sale of tobacco products. The bill’s advancement to the full floor vote by the Senate came outside of the typical legislative process due to the strong opposition from lawmakers

March 7, 2023
South Carolina

COLUMBIA, SC –March 7, 2023  – Late last week, Sen. McElveen, Sen. Kimpson, and Sen. Senn signed their names to defer a bill that would take away the power of all localities in the state to pass laws that regulate the sale of tobacco products from the typical legislative process

February 7, 2023
South Carolina

COLUMBIA, SC – February 7, 2022 – At the pressure of Big Tobacco and its allies, lawmakers are once again moving quickly with a proposal that would endanger the health of our children by taking away the freedom of cities and counties to pass policies stronger than the state law

November 17, 2022
South Carolina

GREER, SC– November 16, 2022 – Cancer patients and survivors are marking the American Cancer Society's 47 th annual Great American Smokeout® tomorrow by calling on elected officials to protect the health of all Greer residents by enacting a strong smoke-free law that protects residents from secondhand smoke exposure.

May 2, 2022
South Carolina

COLUMBIA, SC – May 2, 2022– As session nears a close, a bill that would take away the right of local elected officials to pass policies that protect South Carolina children and teens from tobacco addiction has the potential to move quickly through the last days of session, as lawmakers