
Updates matching "New Hampshire"

February 12, 2015
New Hampshire

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Amber Hillman American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Phone: 508-450-8690 E-mail: [email protected] American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Reacts to Governor’s Budget CONCORD – February 12, 2015 – This statement can be attributed to Mike Rollo, director of government relations in New Hampshire

February 6, 2015
New Hampshire

My wife Rachel was first diagnosed with breast cancer back in 1992. After many years of courageously fighting, we lost her in 2013. I want to prevent other families from having to experience what we did. That's why I've dedicated myself to the fight against cancer as a volunteer with

December 22, 2014
New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Legislative Breakfast is an important annual event where survivors, caregivers, and anyone who wants to fight back againstcancer in the Granite State come together. Let us know you'll join us on January 21 at the State House. It's a chance for advocates like

October 17, 2014
New Hampshire

We asked the candidates running for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire to respond to our questionnaire. It focuses on issues important to cancer survivors and their families, like access to affordable health care, federal research funding, quality of life services, and cancer prevention.

October 10, 2014
New Hampshire

You might already know how important it is to tell Congress to put the "Power of the Purse" behind cancer research and prevention. But not everyone helping to finish the fight against cancer knows that the U.S. Federal Government funds more cancer research than any other group, including the American Cancer Society. We need Congress to hear as many voices as possible asking them to increase funding for cancer research and prevention.

September 30, 2014
New Hampshire

Two weeks ago, volunteers from New Hampshire, along with over 600 cancer advocates from across the country, descended on Washington, D.C. These incredible volunteers had one message for lawmakers: Make cancer a national priority!

September 5, 2014
New Hampshire

Congratulations to Cancer Votes volunteer Don of Bedford for asking a great question at Thursday night’s debate between the Republican candidates for New Hampshire’s U.S. Senate seat. A caregiver for many years, Don ask the candidates how they would help ensure that cancer patients have access to high quality, affordable

July 14, 2014
New Hampshire

Would you like to honor a loved one who has fought or is currently fighting cancer? Donate $10 or more today for a Lights of HOPE bag. They will be displayed in Washington, DC in a moving ceremony at the U.S. Capitol Reflecting Pool.

March 25, 2014
New Hampshire

With the help of ACS CAN volunteers like you, the New Hampshire State Senate was finally able to pass a bipartisan plan to increase access to affordable health care coverage.