
Making Our Voices Heard in Washington

September 30, 2014

Volunteers on Capitol Hill

Two weeks ago, volunteers from New Hampshire, along with over 600 cancer advocates from across the country, descended on Washington, D.C. These incredible volunteers had one message for lawmakers: Make cancer a national priority! 

Advocates went to meetings on Capitol Hill to ask lawmakers to improve access to palliative care that improves patients’ quality of life, ensure seniors don’t face cost barriers to lifesaving colon cancer screenings, and increase federal investments in cancer research and prevention programs.

But you don't need to fly to Washington to ask politicians where they stand on issues important to cancer patients and their families. Through ACS CAN's non-partisan Cancer Votes program, volunteers just like you are helping to make cancer an election issue here in the Granite State.

Can we count on you to attend an upcoming U.S. Senate forum or debate and ask a question of our candidates for federal office? It's easy! We even have questions already written that you can use.