
You'll want to see this

October 17, 2014

New Hampshire cares about cancer, and we're making it an election issue!

We asked the candidates running for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire to respond to our questionnaire. It focuses on issues important to cancer survivors and their families, like access to affordable health care, federal research funding, quality of life services, and cancer prevention.

voter guideWe have heard from Jeanne Shaheen, and you can read her answers here. Scott Brown has not yet responded, but we hope to hear from him soon and will let you know if we do.

Check out our U.S. Senate voter guide!

Cancer Votes is the nation’s leading electoral program, educating the public and candidates about the actions lawmakers should take to make fighting cancer a national priority. Cancer Votes is always non-partisan since we all know that cancer doesn't discriminate between Democrats and Republicans.