
Nevada Survivors, Patients Urge Lawmakers to Oppose Indoor Cannabis Smoking Bill During ‘Cancer Action Day’

Volunteer Advocates Met with State Lawmakers to Discuss Public Health Priorities During Event at State Capitol

March 24, 2025

Volunteers at Nevada CAD The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) united cancer survivors, patients and caregivers from across Nevada at the state capitol for ‘Cancer Action Day,’ Monday to urge lawmakers to oppose AB76, which is currently being considered by the state legislature. If enacted, the bill would allow for indoor cannabis smoking and weaken the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act

Allowing for cannabis to be smoked inside consumption lounges means increased exposure to secondhand smoke to the public and employees. There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Additionally, the bill would weaken the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act and create enforcement challenges.

“Lawmakers shape public health policy and can have a real impact on lessening the cancer burden in our state,” said Jennifer Atlas, ACS CAN Nevada Government Relations Director. “We need the state legislature to strengthen not weaken the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act. AB76 doesn’t do that. Secondhand cannabis smoke is not safe. It contains many of the same cancer-causing substances and toxic chemicals as secondhand tobacco smoke. We thank lawmakers for listening to our message today and look forward to partnering with them to improve the health of Nevadans.”  

In addition to opposing AB76, advocates also urged their lawmakers to support SB217 which would require state-regulated insurers to cover infertility treatment, including IVF.  The bill would also provide standard fertility preservation services for those with medically induced infertility, like cancer. 

Lack of insurance coverage is one of the largest barriers to starting a biological family.

80,000 adults between ages of 20-39 are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States. 1 in 1,000 pregnant people will be diagnosed with cancer. Some cancer treatments can cause infertility, as well. 22 states currently have some form of infertility insurance coverage. 

According to the American Cancer Society, in 2025, more than 17,000 Nevadans will be newly diagnosed with cancer. More than 5,400 residents are expected to die from the disease.

To assess your cancer risk, use the American Cancer Society’s new comprehensive cancer risk assessment tool, CancerRisk360. The tool provides individuals with an accessible, easy first step to prevent and detect cancer by offering a better understanding of several factors that impact a person’s individual risk. 

More Press Releases AboutSmoke-free, Access to Health Care, Nevada

Media Contacts

Alex Wiles
Sr. Regional Media Advocacy Manager
Las Vegas, NV