Washington, D.C. – As one of the leading patient advocacy groups that pushed for the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is celebrating Sunday’s 15th anniversary of the historic law by highlighting its positive impacts and calling for lawmakers to protect it. ACS CAN is calling on Congress to preserve Medicaid and immediately extend the Marketplace enhanced premium tax credits (EPTCs) before they expire and cause millions of people to lose access to their current health plans and any affordable, quality health coverage options. The following is a statement from Lisa Lacasse, president of ACS CAN.
“As we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and the progress it has allowed us to make in the fight against cancer, we’re reminded how far we have come, but also of the work that’s left to be done to ensure everyone has comprehensive, affordable health coverage. Since the passage of the ACA 15 years ago, the rate of uninsured has dropped from nearly 18% in 2010 to less than 10% in 2023, meaning more people are able to see a doctor regularly, get recommended cancer screenings at no cost, and access cancer treatment and survivorship care.
“Medicaid expansion alone, in the 40 states that have increased access to this health insurance program, has led to a significant reduction in the number of state residents who are uninsured, improved cancer outcomes, and helped keep rural hospitals open. It has decreased health disparities and bolstered local economies.
“Today, more than 24 million people access their health coverage through the ACA Marketplace, access that was made even more affordable in recent years with enhanced premium tax credits. For many, these enhanced tax credits are the only way they can afford comprehensive health coverage and since their implementation, we have seen record enrollment in Marketplace plans. With access to health coverage being one of the most significant factors in surviving a cancer diagnosis, protecting this access is paramount to ending cancer as we know it, for everyone.
“But today, the gains we have seen of the last 15 years are at risk. With Medicaid funding on the chopping block and the enhanced tax credits set to expire at the end of 2025 unless Congress extends them, millions of cancer patients and survivors’ access to health coverage and the care they need is threatened. ACS CAN urges Congress to oppose any cuts to Medicaid in any form and to immediately extend the enhanced tax credits for Marketplace plans that help protect people’s basic right to health care. Failing in either regard will rip health insurance away from millions of people in the U.S. It will make our workforce less healthy and hurt local economies.”
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) advocates for evidence-based public policies to reduce the cancer burden for everyone. We engage our volunteers across the country to make their voices heard by policymakers at every level of government. We believe everyone should have a fair and just opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer. Since 2001, as the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN has successfully advocated for billions of dollars in cancer research funding, expanded access to quality affordable health care, and advanced proven tobacco control measures. We stand with our volunteers, working to make cancer a top priority for policymakers in cities, states and our nation’s capital. Join the fight by visiting www.fightcancer.org.