- Volunteer Community - Your one stop resource to search for volunteer opportunities in your community and access assigned trainings.
- Volunteer Handbook
- Volunteer Position Descriptions
- Volunteer Partnership Agreements
- Download these customizable volunteer business cards to share as you connect in your community!
- Why pronouns matter!
- Legislative Ambassador Welcome Training Video
- New SLA Check List
- ACT Lead Checklist
- ACT Lead Toolkit:
Module 1: The Beginning of Your Journey as an ACT Lead With ACS CAN
Module 2: Building a Relationship With Your Lawmakers
Module 3: Building Your Team
Module 4: Generating Media
Module 5: Connecting with Partners
Module 6: CAN Raising
Module 7: Your Onboarding Next Steps - State Lead Ambassador Toolkit
- Mentoring – Our volunteer mentor program is a powerful resource to share skills and knowledge between new and seasoned volunteer leaders. Please reach out to your staff partner if you are interested in being matched with a volunteer mentor. If you would like to be a mentor to someone else, please contact [email protected].
- 2025 Volunteer Call Schedule
- Volunteer Welcome Calls