Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Don't Fry Day: Louisiana, Minnesota Protecting Minors from Indoor Tanning

May 23, 2014

The summer season kicks off today with Don't Fry Day an annual day dedicated to encouraging good sun safety behavior to prevent skin cancer. As the American Cancer Society's Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Len, will tell you, it's critically important to wear good sunscreen and shade your skin from the sun starting at an early age. In addition to protecting yourself from the harmful rays of the sun, it's also important to avoid indoor tanning beds -- especially important for youth. People who use sunbeds before age 35 increase their lifetime risk of melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer, by 59 percent. Melanoma is also the second most common form of cancer for young women ages 15-29. Louisiana's legislature and governor heard this message loud and clear, and knew they had to do something about it. That's why last week the legislature passed with overwhelming support a bill signed by Gov. Bobby Jindal that prohibits the use of tanning beds for those under the age 18. With passage of this law, Louisiana became the first state in the southeast to enact a comprehensive law prohibiting the use of tanning devices by minors without exemptions. This week, Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton signed critical legislation as well, banning tanning bed use for those under 18. Louisiana and Minnesota make a total of seven states across the country that are fully protecting teens from the dangers of tanning beds. I commend Govs. Jindal, Dayton, the legislatures and the ACS CAN staff and volunteers who worked to pass these bills for making this important move to help protect children in their states from a battle with skin cancer. Would you support this type of legislation in your state?