This site is your one-stop to locate all the necessary resources to prepare for your participation in successful lawmaker conversations on January 30, 2024. We know that part of the magic that goes into an impactful Cancer Action Day is preparation, coordination, and resources - coupled with our pre-event training opportunity for learning and practice and your dedication and passion – will ensure you’re ready for it all.
2024 Cancer Action Day
January 30, 2023
9:00 am- 3:00 pm Central Time
Cordell Hull State Office Building, Room 8C, 425 REP JOHN LEWIS Blvd N, Nashville, TN 37243
Nashville, TN
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Tennessee Grassroots Manager, Nicole Lallatin, at [email protected].
Day of Information:
Parking: Parking is limited, we suggest parking elsewhere and carpooling wherever possible. Or parking in the MTA garage at 400 Charlotte Ave. Parking is reimbursable. Please make an effort to carpool.
Registration: Registration will be from 9:00-9:30 am in room 8C in the Cordell Hull Building. Breakfast will begin at 9:30 am. We have a packed agenda and important information to share, so please be on time!
Logistics: You will enter through the public entrance and take the elevator to the 8th floor, 8C will be the first conference room on the left. At lunch (12:30PM) we will move to room 8D which is adjacent to 8C.
You will go through security (please do not bring backpacks or large bags)
Breakfast: Breakfast will be served at 9:30AM. During this time we will hear from a speaker, followed by training on how to meet with your lawmakers.
Legislative Visits: We will be making appointments with your legislators on your behalf based on the address provided during registration. You will be placed in a team and each team will be assigned a team captain. I will be notifying the team captains and providing them with their schedule a day or two prior to the event. If your lawmaker is not available to meet, you will drop off materials at their office. All Legislative Offices are in Cordell Hull.
Time Between Meetings: Between meetings when there is free time, you are welcome and encouraged to attend committee meetings. Schedule will be published here closer to the event.
Lunch: Food will be provided at 12:30pm in room 8D.
Pictures: When you meet with your legislators at the Capitol, please have someone take your picture with them. Please send your pictures to 561-866-7106 and post to social media using the hashtag #TNCAD24.
Attire: If you attended last year, please wear your shirt from last year. We will have white ACS CAN t-shirts at registration but supplies are limited. Please dress accordingly and be prepared to put the t-shirt on. Wear black or dark pants and comfortable shoes for walking.
Committee Meetings Schedules:
House Committees Membership
Senate Committees Membership List
Issue Information:
Tobacco Control and Prevention Funding Factsheet
Medicaid Expansion in Tennessee
Tennessee Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
After the Event:
Hashtag for the event: #TNCAD24
COVID Protocols:
The health and safety of all our guests and participants is our number one goal. Please see below for important details which will continue to be updated based on our unique needs and review the COVID-19 Waiver.
If you are feeling sick or have been recently exposed to someone who recently tested positive for COVID-19, you should stay home. People who have underlying health conditions or taking medications that weaken the immune system, should talk to their healthcare provider before attending large gatherings.
The CDC has identified the symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. If you have one or more of these symptoms on the day of the event, please stay home. If you are waiting for COVID-19 test results or have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home unless you get a negative test result before the event.
The COVID-19 virus and its variants are highly contagious. Some people infected with these viruses get severely ill, become hospitalized or die. Event attendees acknowledge the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus, assume all such risk, and the American Cancer Society, Inc., and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network shall not be held liable.
Help protect our community. it is strongly encouraged that individual attendees are vaccinated. All attendees are asked to have a negative COVID test within 48 hours of travel to the event. The wearing of face masks at the event may be required. After the event, please report to [email protected]. If you later contract COVID-19 and believe you could have received or spread the virus at the event.