The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is making cancer a top priority for public officials and candidates at the federal, state and local levels. ACS CAN empowers advocates across the country to make their voices heard and influence evidence-based public policy change, as well as legislative and regulatory solutions that will reduce the cancer burden. As the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN is critical to the fight for a world without cancer.
ACS CAN empowers cancer patients, survivors, their families and other experts on the disease, amplifying their voices in public policy matters that are relevant to the cancer community at all levels of government. We mobilize our powerful grassroots network of cancer advocacy volunteers to bring awareness to lawmakers on cancer issues that matter to their constituents.
ACS CAN staff work closely with the American Cancer Society’s research and cancer control leadership to identify and develop key public policies firmly rooted in scientific evidence that promote access to prevention and early detection, treatment and follow-up care. ACS CAN uses our expert lobbying, policy, grassroots and communications capacity to advance evidence-based solutions that reduce death and suffering from cancer.
Like the American Cancer Society, ACS CAN is an evidence-based organization. ACS CAN is looked to in the public health community as a leader, engaging scientists, researchers, medical providers, advocates and patients to influence critical public health policies important to our cancer mission. ACS CAN is strictly nonpartisan and does not endorse, oppose or contribute to candidates or political parties. In combination with our evidence-driven work, we are considered a trusted source of health policy information by legislators, policymakers and opinion leaders. The only side ACS CAN takes is the side of cancer patients.