Ciera: Derby, KS


Ciera is the proud mom of two young, healthy children. She works two jobs as a cosmetologist, and volunteers to provide haircuts to residents at nursing homes and care centers. But Ciera never expected to be a single mom. In 2015, just six weeks after their second child was born, Ciera’s husband was killed in a tragic car accident, which left Ciera as the sole caretaker for their newborn son and 4-year-old daughter.

As a single mom caring for two children, finances are tight. Ciera has several chronic health conditions including asthma, Crohn’s disease, carpel tunnel, and endometriosis. To manage these conditions, Ciera needs to take eight medications a day, and see her doctors regularly.

Luckily, Ciera is covered by Medicaid and can manage her conditions. Her health insurance also gives her access to mental health treatments for her anxiety and depression. Ciera is grateful that Medicaid allows her to work, be the best parent she can be, and help others: “My health depends on having Medicaid. If I didn’t have insurance coverage, I wouldn’t be able to get my medications and I probably wouldn’t be here.”


Medicaid Covers US

Visit our campaign home page to learn more about who is covered by Medicaid, why Medicaid is so important to our friends, neighbors, and community, and how to get involved.