Puerto Rico Cancer Action Center


Latest Updates

November 13, 2023
Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO – Activistas contra el cáncer de todo Puerto Rico se dieron cita hoy en San Juan para reunirse con legisladores en el Capitolio como parte del segundo Día de Acción contra el Cáncer de Puerto Rico. Este día se volverá una tradición anual donde los

November 9, 2023
Puerto Rico

Meet your Puerto Rico Lead Ambassadors! Puerto Rico Lead Ambassador- Caroline Torres Maldonado Puerto Rico Vice Lead Ambassador- Angel Morales Colon

September 5, 2023
Puerto Rico

Governor Pedro Pierluisi signed an amendment to the Health Insurance Code of Puerto Rico to help make prescription drugs more affordable for cancer patients and others with chronic diseases.

March 5, 2023
Puerto Rico

Caroline Torres Maldonado, J.D. “Life is 99% of the time about reactions to events outside of our control and 1% to actions of those we can control.” -Caroline Hello! I am Caroline Torres Maldonado, Principal Ambassador of Puerto Rico. In 2013 I was diagnosed with uterine leiomyosarcoma, a rare

Territory Contacts

Natalie Kliné
Senior Grassroots Manager
Susan Harbin
Senior Government Relations Director
Valentina Palomino
Bilingual Senior Regional Media Advocacy Manager

Share Your Story

Do you have a personal story about how cancer has impacted you or someone you love? Real stories are how ACS CAN ensures that no one becomes a statistic.

Medicaid in the US Territories

Health insurance through Medicaid plays a significant role in improving access to healthcare for many people with low incomes including children, people with disabilities, and millions of cancer patients and survivors. Medicaid is a key pillar in addressing public health and supporting the health systems of Puerto Rico where it...