
Updates matching "District Of Columbia"

November 15, 2017
District Of Columbia

This morning ACS CAN Government Relations Director, Bonita Pennino spoke on the Great Day Washington Show WUSA-TV9 about the Smoking and Cessation Fund Amendment Action to prevent youth from starting to smoke and to help those who smoke quit for good. Exactly what the Great American Smoke Out is all

September 19, 2017
District Of Columbia

A coalition of leading public health organizations praised Councilmember Vincent Gray’s proposal for increasing the District’s cigarette tax by $2 per pack and designating a portion of the revenue to critical tobacco prevention and cessation programs. Experts say the measure will decrease youth smoking in the District by 21.1 percent.

September 5, 2017
District Of Columbia

On Septmeber 12, 2017 ACS CAN Lead Ambassadors were in Washington, DC to urge Congresswoman Holmes-Norton to assist us with three key issues: 1. Increase Cancer Research Funding for prevention, early detection and treatment. 2. Pass the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act 3. Remove the barriers for

May 3, 2017
District Of Columbia

Patients, survivors and advocates from four leading public health organizations converged on District of Columbia City Hall on Wednesday to take part in the annual Day with City Councilmembers. The event was organized by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), American Heart Association (AHA), American Lung Association in DC (ALA in DC) and DC Tobacco Free Coalition.

April 6, 2017
District Of Columbia

Mayor Muriel Bowser’s recent budget proposal fails to include $160,000 which is needed to ensure implementation of the District’s new ordinance that raises the age of sale for tobacco products to 21 years old.

February 27, 2017
District Of Columbia

Thank you Mayor Bowser and DC Council! Many cancer patients in the District are now worrying a little less about the outrageous costs of their medications, thanks to Mayor Bowser and the DC Council. They enacted a new law that imposes a $150 limit on out-of-pocket costs for FDA approved

December 15, 2016
District Of Columbia

The District of Columbia is helping to lead the efforts in tobacco control policy in our country that will save lives in the District. Thank you Mayor Muriel Bowser for signing three critical tobacco control bills passed by the DC Council. These bills amend the district’s smoke-free law to include

November 1, 2016
District Of Columbia, Maryland

During October volunteers collected over 1000 petitions at American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Events from across the state, These petitions will be delivered during November to Members of Congress to ask them to fund prevention programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and fund

September 14, 2016
District Of Columbia

A huge thank you to DC ACS CAN legislative ambassador, Thelma D. Jones who attended the annual ACS CAN Leadership Summit and Lobby Day on September 13, 2016. While on the Hill, Ms. Jones asked Congresswoman Holmes Norton to continue making cancer a national priority by increasing funding on cancer