
Statement on Senate Passage of Statewide E-Cigarette Bill

June 19, 2017

ALBANY, NY – June 19, 2017– The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network applauded the New York State Senate for passing legislation (S.2543-a, Hannon), to expand the Clean Indoor Air Act to include e-cigarettes.  Similar legislation passed the Assembly earlier this year.  Julie Hart, director of New York of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) released the following statement:

"On behalf of the 100,000 cancer advocates across our state, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) applauds the New York State Senate for passing this public health legislation.  This is a common sense measure that will protect the health of our children and our hospitality workers.

"The US Surgeon General has stated e-cigarette aerosol is not harmless. It may contain fine particles of liquid, solid or both. Other studies have found the aerosols to contain heavy metals and volatile organic compounds among other harmful chemicals. This legislation will protect New Yorkers from secondhand exposure to nicotine and other potentially harmful chemicals found in these products. It will also help ensure that the public health benefits of smoke-free laws are not undermined. New Yorkers should not have to wait any longer to breathe clean air.

“Standing up to the tobacco and e-cigarette industry is not an easy feat.  We thank Senate sponsor Kemp Hannon for his perseverance and efforts to close the e-cigarette loophole.”



The bill will now go back to the Assembly for another vote.


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