
Santa Ana Takes Critical Step to Protect Youth, Public Health by Ending the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products

Nation’s leading cancer advocacy organization commends the City of Santa Ana for protecting kids from Big Tobacco’s predatory marketing

March 2, 2022

Santa Ana, Calif. – The Santa Ana City Countil voted Tuesday night in favor of enacting an ordinance that will end the sale of all flavored tobacco products, without exemptions. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) applauds the decision to prioritize the health of children and historically marginalized communities over Big Tobacco’s interests and bottom line.

The following is a statement from ACS CAN Southern California Government Relations Director Lynda Barbour:

“Menthol, other candy- and fruit-flavored tobacco products are a key part of the tobacco industry’s to baith youth into a potential lifetime of addiction. Flavors are the main reason why kids start using tobacco products.

“Ending the sale of flavored tobacco products is an issue of social justice. Big Tobacco has a long history of using flavored products to target populations with limited incomes, communities of color and LGBTQ+ communities. Their tactics have addicted generations and have led to significant health disparities. For example, cancer, heart disease, strokes and diabetes are among the leading causes of death among Latinos, all of which can be caused by smoking. Cancer is the leading cause of death among Latinos and Asian Americans.

“We thank the Santa Ana City Council for ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products -- including menthol cigarettes and e-cigarettes. This is a critical first step to protect kids from the dangers of tobacco and help decrease health disparities in our communities.”

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