Advocates Urge Lawmakers to Reduce the Toll of Tobacco and Improve Access to Care
Cancer Advocates Gathered at the Statehouse Today to Say Michigan Can and Must Do Better to Reduce the Burden of Cancer on Michiganders
Ahead of state lawmakers’ adjournment for the summer, advocates with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) are calling for the passage of legislation improving access to paid family and medical leave.
The following is a statement from Michael Davoli, Senior Government Relations Director for ACS CAN in New York:
“State lawmakers in New York are getting ready to adjourn for the summer. Before they do, they must fix New York State’s inadequate paid family and medical leave programs through Senate Bill 2821A / Assembly Bill 4053A.
“Millions of New Yorkers rely on the state's Temporary Disability Program to take care of their own serious health needs. Unfortunately, without allowing for intermittent leave, the program is not meeting the needs of patients—cancer and beyond—each year. Senate Bill 2821A / Assembly Bill 4053A would rectify that by enabling patients to take time off sporadically, as their treatments and appointments demand.
“Why should state lawmakers get paid time off this summer when many cancer patients can’t even take time off to treat their cancer? ACS CAN is urging lawmakers to act on Senate Bill 2821A / Assembly Bill 4053A before they adjourn for the summer, granting constituents an invaluable resource to reduce the burden of disease.”
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) advocates for evidence-based public policies to reduce the cancer burden for everyone. We engage our volunteers across the country to make their voices heard by policymakers at every level of government. We believe everyone should have a fair and just opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer. Since 2001, as the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN has successfully advocated for billions of dollars in cancer research funding, expanded access to quality affordable health care, and advanced proven tobacco control measures. We stand with our volunteers, working to make cancer a top priority for policymakers in cities, states and our nation’s capital. Join the fight by visiting