Overturning Health Care Law Would Resurrect Barrier to Coverage for Cancer Patients
WASHINGTON – March 26, 2019 – The administration reversed course Monday, saying it supports a district court ruling overturning the entire health care law. On behalf of cancer patients, survivors and millions of others with pre-existing conditions, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) filed an amicus curae or friend of the court brief in the Texas vs US case at the district court level with a number of other patient advocate organizations citing the devastating impact that could result from repeal of patient protections included in the law known as the Affordable Care Act. The groups intend to file again in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals opposing dismantling of the patient protections in the law.
A statement from ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse follows:
“Invalidating the health care law without an equal or better replacement risks returning to a time when those with pre-existing conditions can be charged more or denied coverage altogether.
“Cancer patients and survivors depend on critical patient protections in the law to ensure they get the care they need to treat their disease. Evidence shows that having insurance leads to earlier stage diagnosis when the disease is less expensive to treat, and the likelihood of survival is greater.
“The health care law was intended to increase the number of Americans with quality health care coverage. Without those protections, cancer patients could be forced to delay or forego care completely leading to life-threatening consequences.”