
New Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Georgia Residents Support Medicaid Expansion


October 11, 2022

ATLANTA, GA – October 11, 2022 – A recent poll by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) shows strong support among Georgia registered voters for increasing and protecting access to affordable health coverage, including 70% in favor of Medicaid expansion. 

The poll findings showed 8 in 10 (80%) voters in Georgia saying a candidate’s position on health care is important to them when deciding who to vote for with the same number in agreement that everyone in Georgia, regardless of their income, where they live, their race, gender or immigration status should be able to get affordable health care. Roughly 6 in 10 (60%) voters across the state stated that they also do not believe the health care system is meeting the needs of most Georgians. Conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research Associates,, this poll is a part of ACS CAN’s national Cancer Votes campaign—the country’s leading voter education program for cancer-related issues and policies. 

“With 1 in 3 Americans expected to receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, it’s no wonder a majority of Georgians support measures that ensure our access to affordable and quality health care,” said Lee Turner, Georgia State Lead Ambassador for ACS CAN. “By expanding health coverage, people will be less likely to be diagnosed with cancer at a later stage when the disease is far more costly and difficult to treat.” 

Georgia is one of 12 states that has not expanded Medicaid, which would provide coverage to an estimated 473,000 residents and provide the state with more than $3.5 billion in net federal funds, including a one-time bonus of $600 million. According to research by the American Cancer Society, states that have refused to increase eligibility for Medicaid have worse survival rates for most cancers in both early and late stages. States that have expanded Medicaid, on the other hand, have far better cancer survival rates and decreased cancer disparities

“Georgia voters clearly understand the importance of affordable health coverage and want their lawmakers to adopt Medicaid expansion,” said Julie Vojtech, Georgia Government Relations Director for ACS CAN “Every Georgian should learn more about these critical health care issues and find out where their candidates stand.” 

Medical debt is prevalent in the Peach State. Poll findings also showed the issue affects voters across political party with 69% of Biden voters and 64% of Trump voters saying they currently have medical debt or have had medical debt in the past.  

A majority of Georgia voters (53%) said they would be more likely to vote for a political candidate who supported fully expanding the Medicaid program.   

ACS CAN is strictly nonpartisan and does not endorse, oppose, or contribute to any candidate or political party. For more information or to view the candidates’ response to the ACS CAN questionnaire, visit  

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