
Montanans Rally at Capitol Wednesday to Support Medicaid Expansion

Statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Montana Government Relations Director Denver Henderson

January 13, 2025

HELENA, Montana – Residents from across the state will rally at noon on Wednesday at the Capitol Flag Plaza to send a clear and urgent message to lawmakers: It is time to remove the sunset clause from Montana Medicaid expansion.

Nearly 80,000 Montanans are enrolled in Montana's current adult Medicaid program. Legislators will need to vote to continue the program this session to ensure that those hard-working residents don't lose access to life-saving health care at the end of June.

Denver Henderson, Montana government relations director for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, will serve as master of ceremonies for the event. The following statement can be attributed to him:

“Almost 10 years ago Montana legislators made the right decision, putting aside ideological differences, reaching across the aisle and working together to expand Medicaid and put our health first. Thanks to that leadership over 80,000 people in our state now have access to health care. They can see a doctor when they need to, not just when they can afford to. They can get annual check-ups and cancer screenings to protect themselves. They have access to mental health care and can get help with substance abuse. They can get the prescription drugs they need. 

Without a doubt Medicaid expansion has been good for Montana families. But in less than six months, if this group of legislators fails to reauthorize Medicaid expansion, all that progress gets wiped away, and 80,000 people will be left without access to care. The program has been a remarkable success in all ways. Medicaid expansion is good for rural hospitals, our economy and our state budget. Simply put, Medicaid expansion is good for Montana and reversing course would be devastating and life-changing for far too many, not to mention damaging to Montana’s economy. Clearly, removing the sunset clause is the right decision for Montana.”

Henderson and other leaders of the Healthy Montana Coalition are available for interviews upon request.

Media Contacts

Shawn O'Neal
Senior Regional Media Advocacy Manager