
Governor Takes a Stand: Urges Ending the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) supports legislation to end the sale of menthol cigarettes and all other flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, flavored cigars, hookah and smokeless tobacco.

April 10, 2024

Statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Government Relations Director Leo Almeida

COLUMBUS, OHIO – “During Governor DeWine’s State of the State address today, he called for legislation to end the sale of flavored tobacco products in the Buckeye State. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) supports legislation to end the sale of menthol cigarettes and all other flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, flavored cigars, hookah and smokeless tobacco.

“The tobacco industry markets fruit and candy flavored products, including menthol cigarettes, to young people, African Americans, American Indians, the LGBTQ+ community, and other specific populations. ACS CAN thanks Gov. DeWine for standing up for the health of Ohioans and continuing to be a champion against Big Tobacco. ACS CAN looks forward to working with the Governor and the legislature to increase funding for tobacco control and to pass legislation that will reduce the tobacco burden in Ohio.”

Media Contacts

Michelle Zimmerman
Associate Director, Regional Media Advocacy