
Advocates Call for a Hearing on Legislation to Direct Future JUUL Settlement Funds Toward Youth Prevention

State Rep. Robert Duvall has introduced legislation, House Bill (HB) 187, which would direct approximately $7.2 million in future payments from the JUUL settlement for youth tobacco prevention

February 27, 2025

FRANKFORT, KY - State Rep. Robert Duvall has introduced legislation, House Bill (HB) 187, which would direct approximately $7.2 million in future payments from the JUUL settlement for youth tobacco prevention, including e-cigarette prevention, and to help those already addicted quit.

HB 187 has been assigned to the House Appropriations & Revenue (A&R) Committee. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) calls on the A&R Committee to hold a hearing and pass this critical legislation. We must protect Kentucky’s youth, and directing these funds to prevention will have a lasting impact on reducing e-cigarette use and creating a healthier workforce for Kentucky’s future. 

“Vaping is dangerous and has become an epidemic for our youth,” said Rep. Robert Duvall. “Children as young as elementary school-aged have become exposed or addicted to vaping devices. We cannot undo the damage caused by vaping, but we can take proactive steps toward prevention and cessation to mitigate further harm. HB 187 responsibly allocates funds to promote a healthy lifestyle for our students. It ensures that the money settled with the Commonwealth is invested in programs designed to protect them."

“By directing future JUUL Settlement funds to fact-based tobacco prevention programs, Kentucky has an opportunity to address e-cigarette use and protect our middle and high school students from deadly and addictive tobacco products,” said Doug Hogan, ACS CAN government relations director. “The JUUL settlement was reached because JUUL intentionally preyed on our youth. As Big Tobacco has been working hard to addict future generations with e-cigarettes and other tobacco products, the need for prevention funding has never been greater.” 

HB 187 is a responsible approach to allocating settlement funds for what they were intended for—prevention. The bill provides Kentucky with the opportunity to make a meaningful investment in prevention, which will lead to a significant decrease in the number of teenagers who grow into adults addicted to harmful tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. The House A&R Committee should act on HB 187 now.

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Michelle Zimmerman
Associate Director, Regional Media Advocacy