

ACS CAN continues to advocate for increased access to the full spectrum of care for our nation’s most vulnerable and medically underserved populations through Medicaid expansion efforts.

Medicaid Resources:

In 2023 10% of adults with a history of cancer in the U.S. relied on Medicaid for their health care. Access to affordable health insurance is crucial for individuals to receive necessary care, especially for those with chronic conditions like cancer. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network opposes cuts to the Medicaid program, as these cuts will make it harder for many people to receive preventive services and cancer screenings, cancer treatments and health care in survivorship.

ACS CAN opposes per capita caps, block grants, and other capped funding structures for the Medicaid program, as they endanger access to care.

ACS CAN opposes any attempts to condition Medicaid enrollment on work or reporting of work. 

ACS CAN submitted comments supporting the Rhode Island Medicaid program providing coverage to justice-involved populations and housing and nutritional supports to enrollees. 

ACS CAN submitted comments supporting Colorado's request to amend it's 1115 Medicaid waiver to establish continuous eligibility for children up to age 3, and other policies.