Our Gratitude, Appreciation & Thanks


Thank you for all you do.

It’s that time of year again.  Time to reflect and give thanks and we at ACS CAN California want to express our gratitude for all you do. We asked the ACS CAN California staff team to share a little more about  their appreciation for the work that you do.  This is what they had to say:

"I am inspired every day by the selflessness of our volunteers.  You are the power that drives our mission. Never doubt that you ARE making a difference in the fight against cancer."  - Lori Bremner, California Grassroots Director

"I am so grateful for all the dedication and hard work the volunteers put in to help us advocate to promote health and access to affordable health care through the legislature.  It is so critical for the members of the legislature to see the volunteers who are willing to educate them about how they can affect positive change through legislation."  - Autumn Ogden-Smith, Director, California State Legislation

“I am so grateful for the extraordinary volunteers that join us In the fight against cancer. Thank You for all that you do, all year long” - Heather Beckham, Coordinator, Division Advocacy

"Tireless. That is the word I’d use to describe all our ACS CAN volunteers, and I’m so thankful for their efforts." -Steph Winn, Director, Region Media Advocacy

"Thank you from  ACS CAN California. Your work is not only appreciated, but your passion, love and perseverance allows us to fight in the name of all cancer patients and their families who often do not have a voice. You truly are the life blood of the organization." - Primo Castro,  Los Angeles Government Relations Director

"A heartfelt thank you for everything that you do. Your dedication helps move our mission and touch the lives of those affected by cancer.” - Brittny Bol, Community Engagement Manager

"As a new person to the organization I am impressed by the dedication of all of the ACSCAN volunteers. Thank you." - Irene Nikkah, Northern California Grassroots Manager

"Thank you for all that you give to help cancer patients and their families.  Your voices and your stories are the real power of ACS CAN." - Cassie Ray, Nothern California Government Relations Director

"I am so grateful to get to work in the trenches with our amazing volunteers. For me, this fight is personal, and I couldn’t feel more thankful and grateful to take this fight on, with people as dedicated, and courageous as  our ACS CAN volunteers. Thank you for all you do." - Maggie Acuna, Southern California Grassroots Manager

"Words cannot properly explain the deep gratitude and appreciation we have for everything you have done. Thank you for not just taking time to be an active member of the community but for all the work you do.  Success cannot be achieved without your passion, knowledge and enthusiasm.  Gracias por todo lo que han hecho por su comunidad. Su pasión, amor y entusiasmó nos da la energía para seguir la pelea sobre el cáncer." - Omar Gonzalez, Senior California Tobacco Control Program Manager

"Knowing that we have this amazing group of people who selflessly give their time and talents is so inspiring!" -  Lynda Barbour, Southern California Government Relations Director

"Thank you so much for all your hard work and help. We appreciate your time and effort just to assists us. Thank you!" -  Melissa Curriel, Community Engagement Manager

"Thanks to all our volunteers. Your energy and your stories are what makes cancer policy “real” for legislators. Without them it’s just statistics." - Jim Knox, California Managing Director 

"Thank you so much for giving your time, energy and pasion to our advocacy work. It is an honor and a privelege to work beside you in the fight against cancer." - Spencer Lyons, Los Angeles Grassroots Manager

"I am so grateful for the collective voice of all our volunteers to give us power in the fight against cancer."   - Tim Gibbs, Senior Director, California Government Relations

Your volunteer efforts give hope to the millions of patients, survivors, caregivers, and family members around the world. And for that we cannot thank you enough.

Thank you for all you do,

The ACS CAN California Staff Team
Interested in getting more involved?  Click here to let us know what you are most interested in and we will be in touch to talk about how you can get more involved.


Your Support CAN fight Cancer