October Volunteer Team Call Minutes


Due to technical difficulties, the recording will be unavailable.

On the call we discussed: 

  • NYS Updates: Our Senior Government Relations Director Michael Davoli discussed we will have two major priorities we will be working on in New York State from now through 2023. The first is to raise the amount the Cancer Services Program is funded to $25.6 million. This program funds life saving cancer screenings for underinsured and uninsured New Yorkers. The second is passing legislation that would require insurance companies to pay for biomarker testing for cancer patients. More information, education, and opportunities to engage coming soon.
  • NYC Updates: We have had our campaign strategy meeting with the national team regarding this campaign. If you live in New York City, expect to receive information on how you can engage very soon. Something you can do right now is send an email to your council member and let them know you support ending the sale of menthol cigarettes and are tired of the tobacco industry targeting our children, LGBTQ+ community and Black population. Please forward this action to 5 friends who live in the 5 boroughs!
  • Westchester Flavors Ban Legislation: There will be a public hearing on this legislation on Monday, November 14, at 7:30 PM prior to this hearing there will be a FLAVORS HOOK KIDS RALLY. The Flavors Hook Kids Coalition, ACS CAN, the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, NAACP, AHA, ALA and others will hold a rally prior to the meeting at 4:00 PM on the legislature’s main steps. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. Westchester County Board of Legislators, 800 Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains, New York 10601
  • Strides Debrief: We discussed what works best when collecting information. We all agreed the tablets, when working, worst best and are easiest and the QR code may not work as well as we would hope. Pen to paper also seems to resonate and people are willing to fill forms out in some experiences. It was also discussed that large visuals would also be helpful and effective.
  • ACS CAN Policy Forum December 2: On Friday, December 2, from 8-10 AM, you are ALL invited to attend our Future of Cancer Care Forum at the Hard Rock Café in New York City. This is a FREE event. We have some fantastic speakers lined up that are leaders in the industry, as well as some of our own volunteers! Senior Government Relations Director Michael Davoli also shared with us the marquee at the Hard Rock Café will be advertising our forum event for the entire month of November.

Speakers for the forum include:

  • Cardinale Smith, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
  • Angela Riemer, Vice President, Oncology, Global Policy and Public Affairs, Pfizer
  • Phuong Khanh Morrow, M.D., FACP, Chief Medical Officer, CRISPR Therapeutics
  • Debyani Chakravarty, PhD, Lead Scientist, OncoKB, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • Craig Eagle, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Guardant Health
  • Jeff Boyd, PhD, VP and Chief Scientific Officer, Northwell Health Cancer Institut
  • Giovanna Whitting, Survivor Speaker, a 20-year-old metastatic thyroid cancer survivor studying journalism at Pennsylvania State University.  After being diagnosed with cancer when she was 16 years old, she underwent an innovative and targeted therapy unlocked by biomarker testing.
  • Karen Conner, ACS CAN SLA
  • Marcia Earle, ACS CAN VSLA

Space is limited so if you can make it to NYC and attend, please RSVP today. We will also be looking for volunteers to help with set-up. If you are interested, please contact Becca at [email protected].

  • Volunteer Training Summit November 5

    New York, along with Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire are joining forces for the first-ever ACS CAN North Atlantic Volunteer Summit. Join your fellow ACS CAN advocates on Saturday, November 5th from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET for the 2022 virtual ACS CAN North Atlantic Volunteer Summit.

    At the summit, you’ll hear from volunteers, partners, and staff about ACS CAN’s cancer-fighting priorities and how you can be the best advocate for your state. RSVP today! We will also be featuring a Biomarker 101 educational portion from our national team colleague Hilary Gee Goeckner to make you more familiar with one of our major campaign priorities. Don’t miss it!

  • Volunteer succession planning and redistricting lines: SLA Karen Connor and VSLA Marcia Earle touched upon the need to think strategically and develop volunteer succession planning to cultivate and identify volunteers who would like to take on leadership positions. Marcia also showed a slide presentation identifying the new district lines and how it will affect volunteer teams in January. More to come on all of this soon.

Your Support CAN fight Cancer