
Welcome to 2015: State and Federal Legislative Agenda

January 12, 2015

Welcome to 2015 and Happy New Year Advocates! 

Thank you for being an advocate and following our state page.  Please check back often for updates and events.  Here is just a glimpse of what we are working on at the state and federal level for 2015.

State Legislative Agenda

  1. Work to secure funding from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement for the SC Tobacco Prevention and Control program.
  2. Work to increase the number of comprehensive smoke-free communities in South Carolina.
  3. Protect $5 million from cigarette tax revenue.
  4. Secure state funding for screenings through the Breast and Cervival Early Detection Program (Best Chance Network).
  5. Advocate for the state to opt-in to the Medicaid expansion program.

Federal Legislative Agenda- Major Campaigns

  1. Appropriation for cancer reserach, prevention and early detection.