
November Advocacy Update

October 26, 2012

The Fall always seems to be such a busy month and the month of November is certainly no different.  The Government Relations team hope you will get involved with some of the great activities happening around the state this month.  Let your voice be heard!

Relay For Life Advocacy Chair Training:  If you are interested in serving as a RFL Advocacy Chair then we invite you to attend the RFL Summit and Advocacy training on Saturday, November 3rd.  Please contact our office for more information:  [email protected]

VOTE:  Be active and sure to vote on November 6th.  You can also participate in watch parties throughout the country by visiting:

The South Carolina Tobacco Free Collaborative is hosting their annual meeting on November 9th.  

Our Advocacy leaders invite you to join us on an All Advocacy Volunteer call on November 12th at 7pm.  The call in number is: 1-877-228-3600 and use passcode: 690779.  This will be a very informative call led by two of our Advocacy Leaders: Lynn Rearden and Pansy Yates.

There is a Documentary Screening taking place at MUSC on November 14th titled:  Addiction Incorporated:  The true story of tobacco companies' commitment to addicting the human brain.

The Great American Smoke Out is November 15th...start thinking today about how you will encourage a smoker to take the steps needed for quitting.

An update on our membership numbers
We have a total of 96 new/renewed membership since September 1st.  Our goal is to recruit/renew 150 memberships by the end of December.  If you have not already done so remember to renew your membership:

As always, thank you for being an advocate and for making your voice heard!

Beth Johnson
Grassroots Manager for South Carolina
[email protected]