
Mayor Coffman Introduces Proclamation Supporting Establishments Going Smoke-free

ACS CAN Urges the Council to Pass a Comprehensive Smoke-free Ordinance Swiftly

September 3, 2024

Beech Grove, IN – Tonight, a proclamation from Mayor Jim Coffman recognized Beech Grove bars and clubs that have elected to go smoke-free. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) and the Breathe Easy Beech Grove coalition encourage the common council to protect Beech Grove residents from the dangers of secondhand smoke by introducing a comprehensive ordinance as soon as possible that would make all workplaces, including bars and restaurants, smoke-free throughout the city. 

The following is a statement from Allie Kast, government relations director for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) in Indiana:

“A comprehensive smoke-free ordinance would result in a cleaner, safer and healthier Beech Grove. We’ve known for decades that exposure to secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer, heart disease and other serious respiratory illnesses. An ordinance would mean that workers would no longer be forced to choose between their health and paycheck. Everyone has the right to breathe clean, smoke-free air. 

“When communities implement comprehensive, smoke-free laws, everyone benefits - workers’ long-term risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease drop, adults trying to quit smoking are more likely to try to quit and employers benefit from reduced costs for health care, cleaning, and lost productivity.

“To reduce exposure to secondhand smoke, we must make all public places, including all workplaces, which includes restaurants and bars, 100% smoke-free. ACS CAN and the Breathe Easy Beech Grove Coalition commend the mayor and encourage the common council to quickly introduce and pass an ordinance to protect everyone’s right to breathe clean, smoke-free air.”

Breathe Easy Beech Grove coalition is a group of community members and public health professionals committed to tobacco prevention and cessation education and promoting safe, smoke-free workplace environments.

More Press Releases AboutSmoke-free, Indiana

Media Contacts

Michelle Zimmerman
Associate Director, Regional Media Advocacy