Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Want Government to Prioritize Making Health Care More Affordable
Strong Bipartisan Support for Keeping Increased Premium Tax Credits and Closing Medicaid Coverage Gap
WASHINGTON, D.C.—July 11, 2022—Voters overwhelmingly support government action to make health care more affordable, including by extending the increased premium tax credits for purchasing health coverage on the Marketplace, and by closing the Medicaid coverage gap.
According to a new national poll conducted by a bipartisan team of researchers for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), 8 in 10 (81%) voters agree that the government should protect people so that they don’t lose their coverage during high inflation and economic instability. Support was highest among Democrats (96%) but was also strong among Independents (74%) and Republicans (64%).
Nearly 8 in 10 (78%) voters also believe the government should do whatever it can to make Marketplace coverage more affordable and nearly two-thirds (68%) support making the expanded premium tax credits permanent. Candidates who support making the credits permanent are twice as likely to gain votes as they are to lose votes.
The poll comes as lawmakers in Congress continue to negotiate whether to include these and other health care provisions in a possible budget reconciliation package. Failure to include an extension of the tax credits will result in many people’s monthly marketplace premiums increasing by double digits starting this fall.
“Clearly voters understand the importance of affordable health coverage and want their lawmakers to keep the increased premium tax credits in place now and in the long-run,” said Lisa Lacasse, president of ACS CAN. “Support for keeping this change is strong across all parties, but more important than the policy’s popularity is its effect on people’s health. American Cancer Society research shows that uninsured Americans are less likely to get screened for cancer and thus are more likely to have their cancer diagnosed late when survival is less likely and the cost of care more expensive. These subsidies help more people get and keep the kind of affordable comprehensive coverage that could save their lives.”
Voters also overwhelmingly support (76%) expanding Medicaid coverage to the more than 2 million people in the 12 states that have yet to expand the program. Support is highest among Democrats (95%) but is also strong among Independents (69%) and Republicans (61%).
“These data show the strong public desire for Congress to act on health care issues,” said Lacasse. “Extending the premium tax credits and closing the Medicaid coverage gap are among the two most tangible ways lawmakers can clearly demonstrate their commitment to their constituents and to improved access to health care. Congress must preserve and extend access to affordable care in the upcoming legislative package.”
The poll of 2,001 registered voters was conducted by PerryUndem, Bellweather Research and the Center for Advancing Innovative Policy May 24-June 8, 2022 and has a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.
Click here for a link to the full polling memo.