
Vermont State Lead Ambassador


Tracy DeVarney


Vermont lead volunteerTracy DeVarney has been involved with ACS CAN since 2013. In addition to her work with ACS CAN, Tracy is a pediatric registered nurse in South Burlington and has been a member of the ACS Event Leadership team since 2008, focusing on advocacy. She also volunteers at Camp Ta Kum Ta, a week-long camp for children who have or have had cancer.

Why are you a cancer advocate?

I have witnessed both personally and through my work too many people being diagnosed with cancer. I was diagnosed at the age of 29 with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and I have been a survivor for 24 years.

Why should others in your community get involved in ACS CAN?

Many of us have a passion to fight back against cancer. We volunteer locally, raise funds, etc., but to make a difference in the future we need to be involved with ACS CAN. We can then make our voices heard to ensure that funding for research is protected and laws are in place protecting cancer patients.

What is your favorite memory from your time as an ACS CAN volunteer?

My first lobby day. Seeing everyone from around the country in our blue shirts walking around the Capitol going to meeting with Senators and legislators was so exciting. Knowing that we are such a force for this fight was empowering.


Want to join me in the fight against cancer? Fill out this form to sign up to be an ACS CAN volunteer in Vermont.