
Teaming up to make strides against breast cancer

August 15, 2002

Congress holds the purse strings to cancer research funding. ACS CAN and the American Cancer Society'Making Strides Against Breast Cancer are teaming up to urge Congress to put the ‘Power of the Purse’ behind research. Thank you to Linda Cookinghom, an ACS CAN Ambassador for speaking at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Baltimore Event Kickoff and sharing why it's important to join ACS CAN in the fight against cancer. 

By joining ACS CAN, you are becoming part of a movement to help influence lawmakers to maintain funding levels for cancer research. This research could lead to improved screenings, treatments, and care for breast cancer patients.  

To learn more about becoming a member and how you can volunteer at a Making Strides Agaist Breast Cancer Event in October visit our ACS CAN Making Strides page.