
Step It Up! The Surgeon General Wants More Walking

October 10, 2015

The U.S. Surgeon General has released a new call to action to promote walking and walkable communities. Š—“Call to actionsŠ— look in-depth at a public health issue and identify ways that government, business, and the community-at-large can work together to address the issue.

The issue outlined in this call to action focuses on the fact that many Americans have become more sedentary and their communities are not built to support an active lifestyle. Promoting walking and improving community infrastructure so that people can walk to where they work, learn, and play are identified as solutions.

ACS CAN cares about this issue because a lack of physical activity can lead to becoming overweight or obese which can then in turn increase your risk for cancer.

As part of our efforts to fight obesity, ACS CAN supports laws and policies that help people become more physically active. This includes making improvements to community infrastructure that promote walking and other forms of active transportation like bicycling. ACS CAN is also supporting a national initiative to help ensure that children can walk or bike to school safely.

Watch this video to learn more about the Surgeon GeneralŠ—Ès Call to Action on Walking.