
Snapshot of 2015 NM Legislative Session

April 20, 2015

The 2015 legislative session in New Mexico came to a close on March 21, and the deadline for the Governor to sign legislation was April 10. Advocates like you helped make cancer issues a priority for lawmakers.

Here’s a wrap-up of some key legislation the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) supported or opposed this session:

Despite a tough budget year, funding was sustained at current levels for the statewide Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (BCCEDP), the Department of Health Tobacco Use Prevention and Control (TUPAC) Program, tobacco programs administered by the Indian Affairs Department, and Medicaid funding for treatment of women diagnosed through the BCCEDP program. 

ACS CAN supported several positive physical activity and nutrition bills that will help decrease childhood obesity in New Mexico. Public school lunches will have more NM-grown fresh produce next year, with increased funding of $154,300.

ACS CAN supported a strong bill that would have banned the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors under the age of 18. This bill passed the Senate, but was never heard in the House. The tobacco industry successfully lobbied for a “Trojan horse” bill, which was signed in to law. The bill also banned the sale of e-cigarettes to minors but defined these products separately from tobacco, a widespread tobacco industry strategy to weaken future attempts to regulate e-cigarettes. ACS CAN volunteers made their voices heard loud and clear, with nearly every lawmaker being asked to make the right choice between the two bills.

Throughout the legislative session, ACS CAN was there, educating lawmakers on issues that matter to cancer patients and their families. Nearly 100 advocates joined us in Santa Fe for our annual Day at the Capitol to meet with their elected officials. 

Please consider becoming an ACS CAN member today to continue making the voices of cancer fighters heard throughout the halls of government. 

Your NM ACS CAN Team:
Lacey Daniell and Sandra Adondakis

Contributions or gifts to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc. are not tax-deductible because we use your donations to support our citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts to end cancer.