
Pennsylvania Health Advocacy Organizations React to Governor's Budget

March 3, 2015


Michelle Zimmerman

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

Phone: (888) 227-6446 Ext. 8601

E-mail: [email protected]



Pennsylvania Health Advocacy Organizations React to Governor’s Budget

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – March 3, 2015 – This statement can be attributed to three of the leading health advocacy organizations: American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Heart Association, and the American Lung Association.

“The proposed health investments in Governor Wolf’s budget will improve the health of all Pennsylvanians. 

“We strongly support Governor Wolf’s proposal to increase cigarette taxes by $1 per pack and to establish a long overdue tax on other tobacco products.   Pennsylvania is the only state in the nation that does not tax smokeless tobacco.  There is no doubt that these policies will generate additional revenue for the commonwealth, but more importantly, they will discourage tobacco use, especially among our youth. Additionally, we encourage increasing investments in tobacco prevention and cessation programs as proven ways of reducing tobacco use.  We strongly support funding these important programs.”

“We know that Pennsylvanians will overwhelmingly support the Governor’s recommendation.  A poll of registered voters in Pennsylvania completed in November 2014 by Public Opinion Strategies reveals that 72 percent favor increasing the state’s tobacco tax. Out of a series of five proposals to help the state balance its budget, raising the tobacco tax ranks as the most popular measure to help curtail Pennsylvania’s budget shortfall. “

“We thank Governor Wolf for making tobacco prevention and cessation a priority in his budget.”
