
Our state legislative agenda: April

April 3, 2017

Throughout the past month, ACS CAN Hawaii-Pacific has been tracking and advocating on behalf of bills that will affect cancer policies in our state. Here is an overview of the legislation that we are continuing to monitor and take action on:

Establish a Colorectal Cancer Working Group to address screening rates in our state.

In Hawaii, it is estimated that 660 new cases of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed this year, and 240 will die from the disease.  ACS CAN Hawaii-Pacific supports SCR112 and HCR129, concurrent resolutions that would allow for the formation of a workgroup including ACS, ACS CAN and the Department of Health to convene meetings to develop a plan for outreach on colorectal cancer screening rates.  

A Win on Tobacco Control

This session, we opposed legislation that would lower the tax on any tobacco products including legislation to place a cap on the maximum amount of tobacco taxes for large cigars at 50-cents.  That bill is now dead, and it is no small part due to the over 80 advocates that have taken action in opposing this piece of legislation thi ssession.

ACS CAN Hawaii-Pacific will continue to engage in these grassroots activities throughout the new year in support of state and federal priorities. If you would like to get involved in future activities, please call 808-432-9109 for more information.