How You Can Help Hold Big Tobacco Accountable
Nearly 20 years ago, a U.S. Federal District judge found that the major cigarette manufacturers violated civil racketeering laws for deliberately defrauding the public.
The nation is one step closer to ending Big Tobacco's unfettered access to children in America with the Senate introduction of legislation to grant the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to regulate manufacturing, marketing and sale of tobacco products.
Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) introduced this important legislation, which would stop the marketing of tobacco products to children. It also would require tobacco companies to list the poisons in their products and mandate larger and more effective warning labels on tobacco packaging. Tobacco companies spend nearly $40 million EACH DAY to lure children to their products, advertising candy and fruit flavorings and giving away free goodies, all while ignoring the fact that their products kill 400,000 Americans each year.