
Mixed Reviews for State Policies on cancer in Wisconsin

September 6, 2016

ACS CAN Wiscsonsin State Director, Sara Sahli, discusses with WPR ways Wisconsin can improve our efforts to end cancer.

"American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Recommends Earlier, Better Palliative Care.
Every year, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network reviews state policies that can prevent and reduce suffering from cancer. Wisconsin ranks "doing well" in four of the 10 categories: cigarette tax rates, smoke-free laws, pain control policy and oral chemotherapy parity. It ranked "falling short" for not having a law regulating the age of customers using tanning booths, the amount of tobacco prevention funding, access to palliative care and access to health coverage through Medicaid. The state has seen "some progress" in tobacco cessation services, and funding for breast and cervical cancer screenings, according to the report."

Read the full aritcle.