
Georgia State Lead Ambassador

Lee Turner


Georgia volunteerLee Turner has been involved with ACS CAN since 2008 and was previously awarded the Volunteer of the Year award. Lee lives in Tifton, Georgia and is a manager of a restaurant and owns an antique shop.

Why are you a cancer advocate?

I am a cancer advocate because I am a cancer survivor and I have been a care giver to someone with cancer. Because of those experiences, I want to be a voice for those that can’t fight for themselves.

What is your proudest accomplishment as an ACS CAN volunteer?

My proudest accomplishment is working on our smoke-free campaigns in Georgia and working with the best volunteers in my state.

What is your favorite memory as an ACS CAN volunteer?

My favorite memory would be attending the Lights of Hope ceremony every year in Washington, DC.


Want to join me in the fight against cancer? Fill out this form to sign up to be an ACS CAN volunteer in Georgia.