
Ellie's Story

July 11, 2017

“Stand Up for WV and her Children”


Ellie’s Story:

As told by her grandmother, Lora Wilkerson

Ellie, who at only 3-year-old, has been battling cancer since she was 18 months old.  She has battled through chemotherapy, multiple surgeries, radiation. neuropathy, and radiation with courage of a grown adult.

Ellie relied on Medicaid following her mother’s job loss from caring for her daughter’s illness.

Because of the current health care law, Ellie never had to miss a treatment.  She is now in remission, though she would not be here today except for the treatment she received.

If changes being discussed to the health care law had been in place when Ellie was battling cancer, it would have killed her, and they will certainly kill the next child in the same situation.

“Please, Senator Capito, do not hurt the children of our beautiful state we call home”

Vote NO to the on Senate health bill!