
Casino Lobbyist: Smoke-free Supporters are "Ridiculous"

August 27, 2010

Smoke-free Supporters Offer Opposition a "Box full of Evidence" on the Proven Health Hazards of Secondhand Smoke

Casino lobbyist quoted as saying effects of tobacco smoke are nothing more than a "political slogan"

Rapid City, So. Dakota, August 16, 2010-American Cancer Society volunteer Clayton Hieb is offering up an entire "box full of evidence" to refute claims secondhand smoke is not a proven health hazard.

Hieb compiled nearly 2,000 pages of scientific studies proving the health risks of secondhand smoke in response to comments by casino lottery lobbyist Larry Mann that such evidence is nothing more than a "political slogan."

Mann made the comment and described smoking as a "national pastime," in a recent story posted on Fox News's national political blog.  

"I really hope he comes by to take a look," said Hieb. "What we've got here is just a brief sampling of some of the evidence that's out there, all of which shows without a doubt that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer, heart disease and respiratory illness. It's overwhelming."

Hieb, a former smoker who has lost numerous relatives to tobacco-related cancer, says he was astonished that anyone would question the health effects of tobacco smoke in this day and age.

"It's 2010. The first report from the U.S. Surgeon General linking secondhand smoke and cancer came out in 1986-nearly 25 years ago-yet opponents still want to claim the 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke are harmless. It's amazing," said Hieb; noting the 1986 report along with the 2006 Surgeon General's Report declaring  that there is no safe level of secondhand smoke exposure are both included among the documents.

Hieb says while the box located at the American Cancer Society's Rapid City office is directed at Mann, anyone is welcome to stop by and read the reports or they can read them at home on the Yes on 12! A Smoke-free South Dakota campaign website,

The website also features a video of Hieb going through and explaining several of the studies while assembling his "box full of evidence" for Mann.

"Secondhand smoke kills. It's as simple as that," said Hieb. "I believe most South Dakotans, unlike Mr. Mann, understand the health hazards of tobacco smoke and I'm hopeful they'll do the right thing and vote yes on 12 and make South Dakota smoke-free."

The South Dakota Legislature passed the law prohibiting smoking inside bars, restaurants, casinos and video lottery establishments in 2009, but opponents, lead by Mann, refereed the law to the 2010 ballot.

Twenty-eight states, including Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Montana have passed similar smoke-free laws as a matter of public health.

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