
Affordable Care Update 4.9.15

June 17, 2015

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CMS Releases Numbers for Marketplace Special Enrollment Period

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), roughly 36,000 Americans have taken advantage of the special enrollment period (SEP). SEP eligibility is limited to individuals who did not have health care coverage in 2014, are subject to the “shared responsibility payment” fee when they file their 2014 personal income taxes, and who became aware of the penalty after the Feb. 15 close of the regular open enrollment period. The special enrollment period began March 15, 2015 and extends through April 30. Reported figures reflect enrollment through March 29.

Resource Highlights

Below is a quick reference for ACS CAN and Society resources that help educate people with cancer and their families about the law’s patient protections and provide other guidance involving access to care.

  • Affordable Care Act Webinar – Focuses on the importance of improving access to care to the Society’s mission, provisions of the Affordable Care Act that are helping people with cancer, the Society and ACS CAN’s role in implementation of those provisions and educating the public about them.
  • ACS CAN Talking Points and FAQs – newly revised information  on the ACA to help address questions you may receive about the law from internal and external constituents. While the FAQs are for internal use only and cannot be distributed to external audiences, the talking points can be distributed to both audiences.

As always, thank you for all you do every day to support laws and policies that help cancer patients and their families. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Carter Steger, Senior Director, State and Local Campaigns, at [email protected], (202) 661-5727, or Keysha Brooks-Coley, Director, Federal Relations, at [email protected], (202) 661-5720.You may also contact your ACS CAN Division Government Relations Vice President.