Letter: Bill supports biomarker testing
This letter originally ran in the Lincoln Journal Star.
For ACS CAN volunteers nationwide, the past week has been packed with action – and with negotiations on an upcoming legislative package underway in Congress right now, it’s exactly the time to act.
All the way from Maine to Arizona, ACS CAN volunteers hosted rallies and events throughout the country to let Congress know that affordable cancer is past due.
In Wisconsin, volunteers gathered at a local dairy farm to share their personal stories about being unable to afford cancer care and the incredibly high cost of prescription drugs for cancer survivors.
In New York City, ACS CAN volunteers rallied outside of Senator Chuck Schumer’s office to urge the Majority Leader to pass a bill that would make quality cancer care more affordable.
It’s easy to see why our volunteers dedicate so much time to this very important issue: after all, 2.2 million low-income Americans currently lack access to quality, affordable health insurance.
That’s because 12 states refuse to expand Medicaid, despite research that links Medicaid expansion to improved cancer outcomes, reduction of health inequities, and access to early detection services.
The negotiations currently underway in Congress have the potential to save lives – and with these exciting events, our ACS CAN volunteers are playing a crucial role in getting it across the finish line.
Our volunteers are making it crystal clear to Congress that they need to act now.
Will you add your voice and call your Senators today? Our easy tool will connect you with your Senators’ offices and will provide information about what to say when you leave your messages.
And yes, leaving a message really will make a difference – Senate offices keep close track of the calls they receive. Your call might be the one to tip the scales in favor of this critical legislation.
Thank you for taking action to let Congress know that affordable cancer care is past due.