Virtually all cases of cervical cancer can be prevented or treated with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and early detection screenings.
Yet, an estimated 266,000 women worldwide still die from cervical cancer every year.
Women living in developing countries are hit particularly hard, with about 87% of deaths from cervical cancer occurring in less-developed parts of the world.
In developed countries, like the United States, women can receive the HPV vaccine and Pap tests to check for cervical cancer at doctors’ offices. However, women in developing countries often do not have the same type of access to medical care.
This year, ACS CAN launched a new global cervical cancer initiative aimed at reducing deaths from cervical cancer by increasing access to the HPV vaccine and cervical cancer screenings to women and girls around the world.
The goal is to work with Congress to secure a budget increase for U.S. global health programs that deals with cancer prevention and screening programs.
In October, ACS CAN brought together leading health experts and cancer advocates for an event on Capitol Hill. Representatives Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Nita Lowey spoke at the event. Both voiced their strong support for incorporating cervical cancer initiatives into existing global health programs.
ACS CAN strongly urges all members of Congress to support this funding. If Congress acts now, eliminating deaths from cervical cancer is a goal we can achieve.