Medicaid Stories



Elias's Story

Medicaid Covers US

Medicaid is a vital health insurance program for America’s families. It allows children to reach their fullest potential, adults to get and stay healthy enough to work and be part of their community, and seniors and people with disabilities to get the care that can help them stay at home. Medicaid can be life-changing and lifesaving.

Meet some of the Americans for whom Medicaid has made a huge difference, as well as people who could benefit but are currently unable to gain access to coverage from Medicaid.

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Roxanne is a family nurse practitioner at a health center that serves many medically underserved and uninsured patients. She sees first-hand the difference that an insurance program like Medicaid can make. 

When Jorja’s energy levels began to wane, her family took her to a children’s hospital to find out what was wrong. That’s when 3-year-old Jorja was diagnosed with leukemia. Fortunately, Medicaid helped the family pay for the expensive and life-saving treatment she needed.

Sheila works hard – often two or three jobs at once – but her jobs don’t offer health insurance and she can’t afford private insurance for her family. Fortunately, her kids have Medicaid, which has been a lifesaver.

Jeanna lives in a small town in central Kansas. Even though she works multiple jobs, she is left uninsured.

When Lynda had a stroke, she moved from Illinois back to her hometown in Kansas because she needed family to help her with her daily needs. Since Kansas has not expanded its Medicaid program, the move meant that Lynda lost the Medicaid coverage she had in Illinois and is left without access to health care in Kansas.

Brayden is an active 11-year-old who lives with a mood disorder and ADHD. Thanks to Medicaid, he’s able to get the care and medications he needs to thrive.

Stephanie was just 30 years old when she found a lump in her breast. Because of Medicaid, she was able to get the treatments she needed to survive the disease. 

When Tiffani moved from Alabama to Michigan, she suddenly had the health insurance she needed. Because Michigan expanded its Medicaid program, students like Tiffani are able to access health care coverage. 

Jett was born with loringa melasia, which can make it difficult for him to breathe, and has required many long drives to medical appointments in Birmingham. Without Medicaid, Jett’s parents don’t know how they would have kept Jett healthy. 

Medicaid Covers US

Visit our campaign home page to learn more about who is covered by Medicaid, why Medicaid is so important to our friends, neighbors, and community, and how to get involved.