Medicaid Stories



Elias's Story

Medicaid Covers US

Medicaid is a vital health insurance program for America’s families. It allows children to reach their fullest potential, adults to get and stay healthy enough to work and be part of their community, and seniors and people with disabilities to get the care that can help them stay at home. Medicaid can be life-changing and lifesaving.

Meet some of the Americans for whom Medicaid has made a huge difference, as well as people who could benefit but are currently unable to gain access to coverage from Medicaid.

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Lesia has been unable to work because of her failing eyesight and painful fibromyalgia. But she is also ineligible for TennCare Medicaid, so is left without access to the care she needs to save her sight.

Milly was at her six-week post-partum check-up when she told her doctor about a lump on her breast. Within weeks she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fortunately, she was eligible for Medicaid, and was able to get the full care that she needed. “I don’t like to think about what would’ve happened without Medicaid. It saved my life, and my kids got to grow up with their mom.”

Johnnie and Kathleen care for their two young children, one of whom has severe developmental disabilities. While their kids are covered by Medicaid, they are both uninsured, and worry about their health.

Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer while she was in between jobs and uninsured. Fortunately, she was eligible for Medicaid, which allowed her to get the treatment she needed. 

Lee was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was between jobs and didn’t know where to turn. Fortunately, she was eligible for Medicaid, and was able to get the treatment she needed.  

Carrie is a registered nurse case manager, and every day, she sees first-hand how vital Medicaid is for her patients. 

Javier has Down Syndrome and other medical needs. Medicaid allows him to get full access to the therapies and doctors’ appointments he needs to stay healthy. 

Jessica’s two sons have autism and significant medical needs. The boys’ Medicaid coverage has allowed them to get the care they need and has set them up for a better future. 

This short film, created by award winning filmmaker Ky Dickens, features community members and health professionals from across Alabama sharing their challenges and triumphs as they strive to take care of themselves, their families, and their communities.

Medicaid Covers US

Visit our campaign home page to learn more about who is covered by Medicaid, why Medicaid is so important to our friends, neighbors, and community, and how to get involved.