Jackie's Story
Jackie is a mother of two who tends to a house she built on the outskirts of Nairobi. When she began experiencing excruciating abdominal pain and bleeding, she realized that her persistent weakness and exhaustion were not normal.
She visited two hospitals and researched health care services online before she found a free cervical cancer screening program for patients living with HIV at Coptic Hospital. She knew it was the place she could get help, but it was almost too late.
"When I was diagnosed [with cervical cancer], when I knew about my status, I was devastated,” said Jackie, who is in her early 40s. “The only option that came was for me to go for a surgery called hysterectomy. It was like now the world was even darker.
By the time I went for surgery I was prepared enough but at the back of my mind I was carrying a burden. These are two issues: HIV and cervical cancer. I saw myself in the middle drowning.”
Though Jackie’s cancer is now in remission and she is slowly regaining her strength, her situation could have been avoided.
Thanks to major advances in cancer science, we now know how to end all deaths from cervical cancer. We know how to prevent it, diagnose it early and treat it.
So, what’s stopping us? We need to get this science from the medical lab to the patient - every mother, daughter, sister and friend ... everywhere.
Thank you to TogetHER for Health for sharing Jackie's story and pictures for this campaign.